Creating Disabled Access Pathways thanks to Cemex UK Tom Donnison15 April 2024CSR, Volunteering, Community, Charity, Concrete, Construction, Pathways, Stratford Hospital, Garden
Autism, Volunteering and Talking Therapy Tom Donnison10 April 2024Talking Therapies, Green Therapy, Volunteering, Autism
CSR Volunteering Day at Stratford-upon-Avon Hospital Tom Donnison29 March 2024CSR, Volunteering, Volunteer, Hospital Garden, Give Back, Community
Tree Planting with Confex Ltd Tom Donnison6 March 2024Tree planting, corporate tree planting, CSR, stratford upon avon, Warwickshire, Team building
Volunteering Day with Cadent Gas' Finance Team Tom Donnison26 February 2024Volunteering, Corporate volunteering, Cadent Gas, Stratford hospital, Gardening, Gardening volunteers, CSR
Wildflower Meadow Creation Tom Donnison6 November 2023Wildflower Meadow, Nature Reserve, Meadow, Wildflowers
Apple Pressing with our Green Therapy Group Tom Donnison23 October 2023Apple, Apples, Apple Picking, Apple Pressing, Harvest Share, Charity, Mental Health, Stratford upon Avon
World Mental Health Day 2023 Tom Donnison11 October 2023World Mental Health Day 2023, Mental Health, Wellbeing, Green Therapy, Horticultural Therapy, Stratford upon Avon
EcoEscape VIP Day Tom Donnison11 October 2023Team Building, Events, Corporate Events, Outdoor Escape Room, stratford upon avon, Charity, Non Profit
Cemex Volunteers Create Accessible Ramp For Our Compost Toilet Tom Donnison4 October 2023Cemex UK, Volunteer, Volunteers, Volunteering, Accessibility, Charity, Non Profit
Team Building Day with BP Pulse Tom Donnison2 October 2023Team Building, Corporate Team Building, Outdoor Event, BP Pulse, Sustainability, Charity, Non Profit
Volunteering Day with Cemex UK Tom Donnison25 September 2023Volunteer, Volunteers, Volunteering, Corporate Volunteering, Cemex UK, Charity, Nature Reserve, Non Profit
Veg Growing Success at Meon Vale Allotment Tom Donnison15 September 2023Allotment, Meon Vale, Veg Garden, Grow Your Own, Veg, Vegetables, Community, Community Project, Charity, Non Profit
Volunteering Days with Cadent Gas' Strategy & Regulation Team Tom Donnison24 August 2023Volunteer, Volunteers, Volunteering, Cadent Gas, Charity, Do Good, Help Out
Green Team Event with Arden University Tom Donnison21 August 2023Team Building, Environment, Environmental Team Building, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, Nature Reserve, Charity, Arden University
Donate to Create Gardens of Wellbeing in Stratford upon Avon Tom Donnison14 August 2023Donate, Charity, Non Profit, Donation Campaign, Do Good, Give Back, Donations
NFU Mutual Volunteers Help Out in Stratford Hospital Gardens Tom Donnison7 August 2023NFU Mutual, Volunteering, Volunteers, Charity, Non Profit, Hospital Gardens, Stratford upon Avon
Planting at Stratford upon Avon Train Station Tom Donnison24 July 2023Train Station, Stratford Station, Stratford upon Avon, Community, Community Rail, Charity, Volunteering, Volunteers