Veg Growing Success at Meon Vale Allotment

Earlier in the summer we created a vegetable plot at Meon Vale Allotment with families and members of the local community to give them the opportunity to grow their own veg just a stone’s throw away from their homes. Thanks to Magic Little Grants and Postcode Lottery for funding.

The project engaged people of all ages where friendships were formed, healthy meals were cooked, sustainable practices were learned and wellbeing was boosted.

After an initial day putting the plot together by laying weed suppressant material, constructing and positioning the veg beds, filling them with peat-free compost and finishing the area around them with bark chippings, we were ready to get start sowing.

Each family took ownership of a bed and we provided them with the seeds to sow to start their veg growing journey.

After regular visits to the allotment to water their growing plants and weed their beds they began to harvest their produce to take home and prepare meals, successfully going from plot to plate.

It was particularly amazing to see so many children taking an interest in growing veg and gardening, so all in all a very rewarding and successful project.

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Feedback from our veg growers

“We really enjoyed the whole experience. It gave us a hugh sense of satisfaction to harvest veg that we had grown ourselves and doing it with our family and seeing others in the community around the plot was nice too”

“My boys and I loved growing the veg and gardening at the allotment as they could see what they had grown and the outcome of their hard work. It also teaches skills you don’t get in a classroom. It’s nice to have somewhere on the estate we can do this”

“Loved the excitement of visiting the allotment to see what had grown”

“Being Greenfingered ourselves we were keen to educate our two year old Son about plants from an early age. It’s also important for youngsters to be taught to respect flora & fauna regarding the environment too of course! Taking on our starter patch has now enabled us to reserve a larger plot further down… (which we’ll focus on in 2024 once it’s been cleared) Its great therapy to be outdoors in the fresh air! It is also extremely satisfying watching everything grow & then being used in healthy family meals”

“We always find enjoyment in growing our own veg. It's been fun spending time getting rid of weeds, watering and seeing the results. We often grow veg during the summer in the house or use the corner of the garden so it’s been great to use the plot at the allotment. We are now trying to get an extra place in the allotment to grow more veg.”