Guest blog: The importance of focusing on what is already growing well
March Plant of the Month: Primula Elatior
650 more trees planted
Are community gardens the answer to culture diversity in horticulture?
Partnership with Royal Shakespeare Company to create garden in Stratford-Upon-Avon
February Plant of the Month: Ginkgo Biloba
Forest of Hearts purchase show collection of Hedera from Fibrex Nursery
Why plant trees with the Forest of Hearts?
Tom Donnisontrees, tree planting, planting trees, charity, non profit, donate, volunteer, climate change, environment, community, biodiversity, green
Corporate tree planting with DHL Aviation Ltd to start the creation of our orchard
January plant of the month: Crataegus (Hawthorn)
Our Social Impact in 2021
Volunteering Day with Cadent Gas
How to plant a tree
Wipro partnership resumes for National Tree Week
Tom Donnisontree planting, trees, planting trees, plant trees plant hope, donate, charity, CSR, corporate social responsibility, corporate partnership, Wipro, climate change, biodiversity, green spaces, environment
What to Plant in November
November Plant of the Month: Common Hazel - Corylus Avellana
Forest of Hearts join Kickstart Scheme
Guest Blog: Ghostly Sprits in the Marshes
October Plant of the Month: Cucurbita
Ringing our Barn Owl Chicks