NFU Volunteering Day 3 at our Nature Reserve

We enjoyed another volunteering day with NFU Mutual, the third of four committed to by the company with the aim of giving back to the local community and helping a good cause. Thirteen employees joined us at our nature reserve and corporate events base for an incredibly productive day where they completed many tasks and made a real difference.

Bagging compost  

One of our primary tasks was digging and bagging up the remainder of the peat-free compost from our compost pile. We filled multiple bags and transported it to one of our garden creation projects at Stratford-upon-Avon train station to fill up the raised beds ready to be planted up.

Fence painting  

Other volunteers grabbed paint brushes in readiness to paint the fences that line the garden area. They ensured every inch was covered with a fresh coat of Harvest Gold paint and now the wood is both protected from the elements and looking great on the eye.  

Refurbishing outdoor furniture

Continuing with the painting tasks, volunteers worked together to add a few coats of Dark Oak paint to our recently acquired garden benches, helping bring them back to life. With sustainability always in mind we rescued the furniture to prevent it goes to waste in landfill and the group did an excellent job helping the refurbish it so it could be repurposed at our nature reserve.

Stone circle

A couple of volunteers assisted with the beginnings of the creation of a paved stone circle area onlooking one of the ponds to provide a seating area in front on the butterfly bank. They helped move MOT Type 1 aggregate (recycled crushed concrete and rubble) to use as a stable sub-base ready to lay the slabs. This area will offer a place for members of the local community to relax and reflect in a beautiful setting.

Biodiversity audit

Given the importance of our aim to boost biodiversity, an audit was conducted to provide a comprehensive assessment of the variety and condition of species and habitats within specific areas of the nature reserve. We can now comprise the data collected and compare it with previous months and years to gage progress.

Bug & bee hotels

Continuing the biodiversity theme, we ended the day with the volunteers creating bug and bee hotels. They designed and made the structures using both waste and natural materials to provide nesting and shelter for various beneficial insects, including solitary bees, ladybugs, and other bugs and pollinators. By creating these habitats, we support biodiversity and help maintain healthy ecosystems, as these insects play crucial roles in pollination and help enrich the gardens.

Thank you

We are incredibly grateful for all of the volunteers hard work on the day and to NFU Mutual for all of their support and generosity. We now look forward to their forth volunteering day with us in November.

A word from the organiser…

“Everyone really enjoyed completing and contributing to the tasks – I liked that there was such a wide variety to suit everyone from painting and digging to the biodiversity audits. I also loved learning more about the charity and seeing the pictures of the owlets!”

- Lucy Clare - NFU Risk Division Professional Trainee