Bishopton Community Centre Secret Garden Creation

We designed and created “The Secret Garden” as an accessible, low-maintenance area, perfect for up to 20 visitors at the community centre to use as an inviting outdoor meeting space. But now the secret is out!

Garden preparation

After visiting the site at the end of last year to measure up and plan, we put our designs together to incorporate a smart seating area with an accessible pathway, a retaining wall, raised bed planters, wildflower planting and beautiful biodiverse habitats.

At the start of the year, we cleared the overgrown area to prepare it for the mini digger to excavate the foundations.

Disabled access pathways

Thanks to Cemex UK, Sean Grant, Mark Howard and our volunteers, we created a disabled access pathway and seating area from concrete to ensure a durable, low-maintenance, and non-slip surface to enhance accessibility into and around the garden. To further ensure safety for all users, a handrail and ramp was installed to allow safe access in and out of the garden from the back door of the community centre.

Retaining wall

To create a sturdy retaining wall, we used wooden sleepers, carefully aligning and securing them to hold back the soil and enhance the garden’s landscape.

Wildflower lawn

Above the retaining wall, we seeded a lush lawn area, incorporating a variety of wildflowers to attract pollinators and added a rockery at the back.


We created the rockery using Cotswold stone and a variety of alpine plants, adding a charming and naturally beautiful feature to the garden that showcased the creativity of our community group who helped bring it to fruition.


We included benched seating along the outsides perimeters of the garden to create a cosy spot for relaxation, socialising, and enjoying lunch among the surroundings.

Raised bed planters

By incorporating raised bed planters filled with pollinator-friendly plants into the garden, we could create a vibrant space that supports local biodiversity and add an array of bright colours and greenary. To further support the local wildlife we added homemade bird boxes and bug hotels.

Water feature

When consulting with the regular community centre visitors during the initial stages of planning the garden, one of the most common requests was a water feature. So, to deliver what was desired we fashioned a solar powered water fountain called ‘The Golden Frog of Bishopton’. This garden feature is perfect for providing soothing sounds and promoting relaxation.

Screening the garden

To create a secluded oasis, we secured a bamboo screen around the garden, ensuring privacy and a touch of natural elegance.


The secret garden mural was designed by Bishopton children who attend the Community Centre and was painted by Ali Glover, local artist and Creative Director of Paint Stratford. The art piece depicts a beautiful garden scene where the children’s feedback on what the garden means to them hangs down on the leaves of the apple tree.

Garden maintenance

The garden will be lovingly maintained by a new Green Therapy gardening group which we will be running and starting in October. For more information on this and to get involved, please contact Dawn on 07870127460.

Thank you

A huge thank you to everybody who was involved in the creation of the garden and who helped to bring together this long lasting place of purpose to the community of Bishopton. Special mentions go to Penny Keynton-Hook for bringing this garden idea to us and for all of her support throughout, community centre volunteers (Carl Oller, Angela Finch, Clare Hassall, Roger Brain and Roger Harding), our Stratford Green Therapy group, Cemex UK, Sean Grant, Mark Howard and Ali Glover.

Feedback from the beneficiaries…

“This garden is exactly what the community centre needed. Adding somewhere for visitors to enjoy in nature and get fresh air has been joyful to see”

“A beautiful place to sit down and relax when attending the community centre. It’s so visibly pleasing and the access in fantastic for wheelchair users”

“The garden is going to be a great outdoors space for the community to use”

Our Garden Creation Journey

Feedback from the children…