Partnering with Forest of Hearts is an excellent opportunity for your organization to demonstrate a commitment to mental health and contribute to your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. We work with you to make a big impact. Here are some key points you can include in your message to customers and employees:

1.     Express Your Commitment to Mental Health: Begin by expressing your organisation's genuine commitment to mental health. Highlight the importance of mental well-being in today's fast-paced world and acknowledge the impact it has on individuals and communities.

2.     Introduce Forest of Hearts: Provide a brief introduction to Forest of Hearts, emphasising our mission and the positive impact we are making in the field of mental health. Mention any notable achievements, initiatives, or projects that align with your organisation's values.

3.     Highlight the Partnership: Clearly outline the nature of the partnership between your organisation and Forest of Hearts. Explain how the collaboration will contribute to supporting mental health initiatives, and emphasize the positive change that can be achieved through this partnership.

4.     Link to ESG Goals: Showcase how this partnership aligns with your ESG goals. Highlight the environmental, social, and governance aspects of the collaboration, and emphasize the positive influence it will have on your overall corporate responsibility and sustainability efforts.

5.     Employee Involvement: Encourage employees to get involved and actively participate in the mental health initiatives. This could include volunteering, fundraising, or engaging in awareness campaigns. Demonstrate how your organisation is creating a supportive and caring workplace culture.

6.     Customer Engagement: Invite your customers to join you in this meaningful cause. Share ways in which they can contribute, whether through donations, participating in events, or spreading awareness. Consider offering incentives or rewards for customer engagement to encourage active participation.

7.     Communication Channels: Utilize various communication channels to reach both internal and external stakeholders. This could include emails, newsletters, social media, and other corporate communication platforms. Ensure that the message is consistent across all channels.

8.     Measurable Impact: Clearly communicate the expected impact of the partnership. Whether it's the number of lives touched, funds raised, or specific goals achieved, provide measurable outcomes to demonstrate the tangible results of the collaboration.

9.     Long-Term Vision: Communicate your organization's long-term vision for supporting mental health. Demonstrate that this partnership is not just a short-term initiative but a part of a broader strategy to foster a positive impact on mental well-being over time.

By incorporating these elements into your messaging, you can effectively convey your organization's commitment to mental health and the positive impact of partnering with Forest of Hearts. This collaborative effort will not only contribute to your ESG goals but also strengthen your relationships with both customers and employees.


corporate tree planting group planting a tree

Corporate Tree Planting

Engage your employees in an activity that’s fun, in the great outdoors and has a real positive impact.

Corporate Social Responsibility team building event attendees

Green Team events

For a team building day that helps the environment and supports local communities.

sponsor Forest of Hearts Stratford-Upon-Avon non-profit charity


Partner with us by sponsoring one of our important wellbeing and biodiversity projects to help people, places and the planet.

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