Green Teambuilding Event with Mediplus

We joined the wonderful company Mediplus at Stoke Place hotel in Surrey for their conference and anniversary celebration and to engage them in some fun environmental team building challenges.

With Mediplus being in the development stage of their sustainability journey, we shaped the activities around working together to be more sustainable.

The first task involved creating sustainable and biodegradable newspaper plant pots to sow our next lot of seeds in our polytunnel with our Green Therapy group and avoid the purchase and use of plastic pots. Each team created their own production line to create the pots within a timeframe and competed against each other to see who could create the most.

For the second task, each team created a bug and bee hotel out of recycled materials to provide habitats for insects and pollinators and to have pride and place in our hospital and hospice gardens. The teams were equip with toolboxes and materials and through planning and precise craftsmanship they produced their masterpieces.

Throughout the activities, they were also given the thought provoking task of coming up with ways to enhance sustainability in the workplace both as individuals and as a collective. This sparked the conversation about what was needed and what was possible as they begin to create measurable sustainability frameworks for key areas of their business.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Mediplus for supporting us and thank their employees for bringing such enthusiasm and creativity to each activity.

Feedback from the event…

“It was a thoroughly fun and enjoyable day of activities that got everybody working together, talking about sustainability and creating purposeful things in a sustainable way. Lots of laughs and lots of learning along the way”

- Mediplus employee