A Volunteering Day in Nature with Cadent

We enjoyed another productive volunteering day with Cadent Gas as we were joined by their Central Safety Team. The day began with a warm welcome to our nature reserve, a briefing on the tasks ahead over a coffee and a biscuit and then hands were full of gardening tools, paintbrushes and machinery as volunteers set out to make a difference.  

The team of five engaged in numerous beneficial tasks to help our project progress and keep the space tidy and well-maintained.  

Bagging compost  

Firstly, we turned our attention to bagging peat-free compost from our compost pile. This eco-friendly alternative to traditional compost is crucial for maintaining the health of the nature reserve’s plants and soil. We filled numerous bags, ready to be used in various planting projects around the reserve and other local gardens we have created and maintain. 

Strimming Paths in the Meadow 

The meadow paths needed some attention, so they grabbed strimmers and got to work. Keeping these paths clear is essential for visitors to enjoy the beauty of the meadow without disturbing the wildlife. After great care and attention the paths are now looking rewardingly pristine. 

Weeding and Mowing 

We also tackled the weeds that had sprung up in the garden borders, patio and meadow. Weeding can seem like a never-ending task, but it was a vital task to help maintain the health of the plants and it vastly improved the overall appearance of the space. In addition, we mowed the lawn, ensuring that the grassy areas were tidy and inviting for visitors. 

Planting Spring Bulbs

Daffodil bulbs were planted around the green space which will ensure a stunning display of bright, cheerful blooms that will bring joy and vibrancy to the area in the spring.

Cabin Painting  

The cabin was precisely painted with a coat of preserver to protect the wood from the elements, ensuring it remains durable and looking great for years to come.

A Rewarding Experience – Feedback from the volunteers 

“Today was a good mental health day and a great experience in such a beautiful green space. It’s been beneficial on both the ecology side and the wellbeing side”.

“Volunteering at the nature reserve has been a fantastic opportunity for our team to bond, enjoy the outdoors, and contribute to a worthy cause”. “We left with a sense of accomplishment and a deeper appreciation for the hard work that goes into maintaining such beautiful natural spaces”. 

“At Cadent we give all of our employees two paid days per financial year to volunteer for the good causes which align to the three themes of our social impact framework of making life easier, fairer and greener.” 

Thank you

We give thanks to Cadent and their Central Safety Team for volunteering with us, being great company on the day and putting in the hard work to make a difference.