Looking after your mental health during lockdown

A quick guide on how to look after your mental health during another national lockdown


As we go into the second national lockdown, it’s important to look after your mental health and well-being during this period. Here are some things to think about whilst you’re at home and things you can incorporate into a daily plan or routine.

Eat healthy: Try to eat healthy with well-balanced meals and lots of fruit and vegetables. It is also important to drink enough water to stay hydrated. 

Keep regular contact with friend & family: Maintaining healthy relationships with people you trust is important for your mental wellbeing. With modern technology there are lots of way to keep in contact with friends and family, such as: Phone calls, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Social Media, Email, Zoom. 

Join an online fitness class: Online fitness classes are more popular than ever and there’s so many to choose from to suit your style of fitness. There are plenty of videos on YouTube instructing you in exercises, whether you want a quick daily 5 minute workout or push yourself for an hour. Many personal trainers offer live sessions on platforms like Zoom and you can also join virtual fitness challenge like the ‘3 Peaks Challenge’ we are doing here at the Forest of Hearts for our health & well-being group. 

Meditate and learn relaxation techniques: Take time to relax. Meditation and specific breathing techniques can help reduce stress and anxiety and put you in a better frame of mind. Wash away your worries with simple techniques you can learn and become a helpful tool to have at hand to deal with difficult emotions if they arise. 

Get fresh air: It’s important to get regular fresh air so you aren’t constantly stuck between 4 walls. Have a walk around your garden, do some gardening, go to your local park or woodland. Fresh air and immersing yourself with nature is good for your wellbeing. 

Learn a new skill or take an online course: You may now have the time to learn a new skill or try something you’ve always wanted to. Learn to play a musical instrument, take up knitting, experiment with baking, learn a foreign language, take online courses to educate yourself and to put on your CV. 

Talk about your feelings: It’s very easy to bottle up your feelings but expressing them to somebody can feel like a weight is lifted from your shoulders. Confide in a friend, family member or professional and feel comfortable expressing how you really feel. It’s okay to not be okay and if you’re struggling then there are people you can talk to who will listen. You should never feel alone. 

Read a book: Escape the real world and get lost in a book. Reading has been shown to put our brains into a state similar to meditation, and it brings the same health benefits of deep relaxation and inner calm. It’s reported that regular readers sleep better, have lower stress levels, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of depression than non-readers. 

Get a good night sleep: Regularly getting a good night sleep is important for our mental health. Go to bed at a similar time each night and get into a bedtime routine. 

All in all, Have fun. Get out a board game or jigsaw, watch your favourite film, get out an old photo album, draw a picture, dance around the house listening to your favourite songs. Have fun and do the things you enjoy from the comfort of your home.