More Barn Owl Chicks Nesting at our Nature Reserve

We had the amazing news of 3 lovely Barn Owl chicks nesting in the Barn Owl box at our nature reserve. The British Trust for Ornithology visited our site again for a routine check and found 2 males and a female, who were between 51 to 55 days old. Each chick was ringed and safely placed back in the box where they will stay until they fledge in around 3 to 4 weeks time.

We are so pleased to provide a habitat for these amazing creatures as we aim to build biodiversity at our nature reserve. This new brood were a very welcome addition to the 9 barn owl chicks we have previously had inhabit the box since 2021 when it was erected in a mature Oak tree in May of that year.  

We again give thanks to Roger, John and Ros from BTO for their time and expertise and Arden Farm Wildlife Network and Zoe Bell for helping provide the funding to make this project a success from the beginning.